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Crisis and Issue Communications

When the media ask for an interview, will you side-step the issue? Then later hear the condemnation...

Accidents, environmental disasters, product failures, company re-structuring - the media thrives on bad news. But “no comment” equals “guilty” to a journalist.

Accolade runs crisis and issue communication courses which teach executives how to handle the task of managing the media in a difficult situation.   

Working with your communication teams and/or health, safety, and environment specialists, we create a realistic and escalating scenario geared towards specific issues your organisation might face.

Key messages can be tested and developed against all the different media interview formats. Crisis media interview training will identify your best spokesperson, and help you work with rather than against the media.

Today, it is even more vital to develop good media communication skills –  reflecting good leadership.

Ask for a quote and tailor-made programme.

How not to do an interview!

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